Kerry's apartheid remark hits pro-Israel nerve
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Regarding the themes studied in the past lessons about inequality, I got to read these stories in which the Secretary of State of the United States, Kerry, warned Israel to adopt different measures, as it is likely to create a new case of apartheid.
"We reiterate the two-state solution as the only real alternative. Why a unitary state ends up being a State in which there is apartheid, with second-class citizens, or a state that denies to Israel the ability to be a Jewish state ",Kerry said, as reported by The Daily Beast today.
Meanwhile, this morning, at 10 am local time in Israel have been heard sirens in memory of the Jews killed during the Holocaust. The entire country, including schools, is stopped for two minutes: wherever he was and whatever he was doing the people standing and in silence and paid tribute to the memory of the six million Jews killed during the persecutions. The ceremonies of "Yom HaShoah" will end tonight.
The Central Committee of the OLP will join to 60 treaties and institutions of the United Nations. The decision, say the local media, was taken last night at a meeting of the Committee. This development follows the recent decision to join the OLP to the Fourth Geneva Convention, and 15 other UN treaties.
In a statement, the OLP Central Committee reiterated the need for the Palestinians to continue to adhere to the United Nations agencies and to international conventions.''The OLP also conditions the resumption of peace negotiations with Israel, the recognition by the government of Binyamin Netanyahu of the'' boundaries'' of 1967, the complete block of the construction in the settlements and the release of dozens of Palestinians.
*OLP = Organization for the Liberation of Palestine.
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