venerdì 21 marzo 2014

Turkey blocks Twitter

Turkey blocks Twitter

After the allegations of the corruption scandal that has involved the Prime Minister, the Authority for Information Technology and Communication in Turkey has "closed" the social network.

Turkey woke up Friday morning without a tweet: giving immediate response to threats from Islamist prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, embroiled in corruption scandals by phone calls intercepted incriminating releases in recent weeks on Twitter, the microblogging site has been blocked overnight in all the country. The Social netwark was blocked a few hours from a meeting of the moderate Islamist Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Bursa, in the northwest, where he said that Twitter would be "eradicated." 

A cold shower for the country, which for months was pervaded by internal tensions that had not been seen for years. For many analysts, this was the last gasp of a prime minister near to the end of his political career. Of course, it must be said that the blockade has had a major impact inside and outside the country, and from a purely technical point of view, has not had the result that the prime minister had hoped. An hour and a half after the Twitter site was no longer accessible in Turkey, however, the tweets sent by Turks users on the network  exceeded one million. Sites like Cnnturk and online newspapers provided some explanations to users on how to change from their pc connection settings and stem so the ban. 

The harder reaction came  by the President of the Republic, Abdullah Gul, through Twitter, hoping for a short duration of the ban and pointed out that the total block of the social network is unacceptable. 

The Erdogan's image is that of a leader surrounded, that you play through and through and he does not want to give up. This is demonstrated by the pictures of the huge gatherings during his rallies in the southeast just posted on Twitter in recent days by his collaborators. According to analysts , to speak of a positive result , Erdogan would take a percentage from 35 to 38%, but in any case represent a historic low of his party. Gul seems increasingly ready to confrontation for the presidency of the Republic, in a fight between the two wings of the Islamic Right , where , for the moment, the opposition is still an appearance.

Among the days will come the verdict of the polls, but it is said that it is enough to calm the situation. The climate is even more exacerbated than the riots Gezi Parki and many analysts fear the gang war, especially if Erdogan were to decide to run for the presidency of the Republic. All things that Turkey has already seen. But it was 1970 , the country was far from Europe and brought an end to the climate of  military confrontation.

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